sábado, 2 de mayo de 2009

Prescription for success: a high performance mind-set for Maritime English Learners

Being effective in searching for a job requires efforts in researching and planning, and most of all, it requires a person who wants to thrive on outpacing his or her job seeker peers or competitors.

This is a work per se, a work of high performance, that when it is done smartly, it brings a great personal satisfaction, and obviously, a career’s job. This path can be understood as the productivity making process of an achiever. A path that depends on how a solution oriented person faces today’s tougher employment climate.

The key to success for a job seeker lies on his or her self-disciplined and creativity. This implies managing or developing a mindset that is destined to approaching life from the view stand of “being better means being different and multitalented”.

Approach 1 – Commitment to achieve

Achievement is success at finishing a job, which in turn means, having the attitude for getting only results, but effective results, through strategic decisions and practices.

All this is possible, when the job seeker brings innovation to shape his or her initiatives to find a job. Test and invest on yourself through new concepts. Distinguish yourself through discipline execution. Commit yourself to achieve success to bring out a new you within you.

Approach 2 – Plan to achieve

Success is achieved by planning and through research. First you need to understand the reasons “why” you want a particular job. Then the research will answer the “what” you want, the “when”, “where” and “how” to get the job that is being looked for. This planning works better if you write it down, or when your writing recognizes the “who” in terms of your own outstanding talents.

Advancement is based on merit, not tenure. In order to multiply your talents, you need to plan to achieve what you want.

Approach 3 – Work with excellence to get the job done
Follow your plan, do prompt follow ups, and don’t wait to get results. Insist constantly in networking. Remember that your results are obtained by moving forward, by daring to do the unexpected and by walking the extra mile.

Value working with excellence. Deliver the best in you. Failure is not a defeat, but it helps you to improve what needs to be changed.

Approach 4 - Self-assessment

It is very important for a job seeker to be clear about his or her own talents, abilities, work skills and education achievements in terms of the aimed work. A self-assessment or self-analysis helps you to do that because one should specialize in bettering one’s own strengths.

Once the personal inventory is at hand, seekers are in position to match their considerations with the work they are looking for. But in order to make these considerations really effective, a résumé should be written.

Approach 5 - Writing a résumé

Get the job done where the job is wanted presupposes the writing of an eye-catcher résumé. One that is unique and distinguishable among the other seekers. One that combines personal accomplishments with the understanding about the field occupation one wants eventually to work in.

There are a lot of Internet sites that address résumé writing issues. One of them, the Canadian University of Waterloo, offers very useful and friendly information for those learning English as a Second Language.

Please visit http://www.cdm.uwaterloo.ca/steps.asp and complement your maritime career development with the information found in this e-manual.

Approach 6 – Explore job opportunities

At this state, you translate data into decisions.

The maritime industry has a wide range of available jobs for working on ships and in land. These jobs can be found by narrowing down personal options in accordance to some of the maritime industry segments. These options are traditionally segmented as follows:

· Cruises and ferries
· Offshore
· Port and shipyard
· Shipping
· Fishing
· Naval

Getting to know the segment where your potential occupation is, in relation to your core capabilities, allows you to calculate your risks and to foster yourself to specific targeted companies.

Approach 7 – Continuously renew yourself

High performers are never satisfied with the “status quo” and strive to revitalize themselves on an ongoing basis. They are permanently learning new ways to do things and live life. They understand the importance of building a wining mindset.
Final approach

A prescription to success involves the practicing of your personal comparative advantages to outperform your peers or competitors. Be the master of your own performance.

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