domingo, 29 de marzo de 2009

UNIT 1 - (READING 1) Saving Our Precious Earth

It is the responsibility of everyone, from industries to families and individuals, to save our precious earth through pollution prevention and conservation of natural resources---through reduce, reuse and recycle. Your actions today will decide the quality of tomorrow's world.

Everyone must join in to make a difference for all generations to come.

Air and water are life's most valuable resources, without them no living thing on earth can survive. Free the air and water from pollutants.

The two major pollutants are sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Emissions of sulfur dioxide are mostly from fossil fuel (coal and oil), combustion in electric power production, and industrial processes (the primary metals, petroleum industry, chemical manufacturing, and mineral products). Emissions of nitrogen oxides are mostly from the transportation industry and fossil fuel (coal, oil and natural gas) combustion.

When water vapor and droplets in the air combine with sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, they fall to the earth as acid rain (sulfates and nitrates).
Acid rain is harmful to aquatic life---fish populations and water plants---and the terrestrial ecosystem. It may damage or slow the growth of crops and forests. In addition, it may affect drinking water quality by causing the release of heavy metals from soil.
Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Help preserve our world for all generations to come.

Recycling (Paper, Plastic, Metal, and Glass)


Most paper can be recycled and made into new paper products, which helps save our forest---recycling one ton of newspapers conserves the equivalent of 19 pine trees. Recycled paper production reduces related air pollution by 95% and uses 30-55% less energy.
The two most commonly recycled plastics are PETE or PET (polyethylene terephthalate) and HDPE (high density polyethylene). Please refer to the Plastic Recycling Code for other recyclable plastics. Many plastic products like bottles and containers are marked with the recycling code these days to facilitate sorting by their particular resin type.
Five recycled 2-liter PET bottles make enough fiberfill to stuff a ski jacket, and 35 2-liter PET bottles make enough for a sleeping bag.

Metals are made from minerals that are non-renewable. A ton of steel cans recycled saves 1.36 tons of iron ore. Recycling saves 74% of the energy needed to make new steel from iron ore and 95% of the energy needed to produce new aluminum from bauxite ore.


Glass is one of the easiest and best materials to recycle. It recycles completely, meaning one kilogram of old glass can be turned into one kilogram of new glass, and it can be recycled repeatedly without loss of quality to the new product. A ton of glass recycled saves the equivalent of 34 liters of fuel oil. In addition, recycled glass requires 30% less energy than glass manufactured from silica.

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